Photo /SU

Photo taken 23/10/2011 @ Helsinki motorway
"I am not your rolling wheels, I am the highway"


Summer adventures vol.1: Rakvere (Estonia)

It was quite scary to be alone in Tallinn. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty careful when I travel, and I'd prefer to have some company, especially since I don't know the Baltic countries that well. But again, I was very proud of managing everything by myself!

Well, photo friends left back to Finland. Luckily new company was awaiting, but the company (my friends Geda and her family) were in Rakvere. So in Tallinn I took the tram to the bus station and the bus to Rakvere.

In Rakvere there is a great old fort(ress)/castle and in the castle moats (with perfect natural acoustics!) they had put together an Estonian Punk Music Festival, but it wasn't a normal concert: it was a Sing-along-Festival called Punk laulupidu!

I didn't know that punk music was so important to the Estonians, but apparently it is! It has to do with the history with Russia and the country's late independence. It was also interesting to see, sing and hear Finnish, German and Russian punk songs:) After the sing-along they had a concert by a Finnish punk star, Pelle Miljoona! But it was already getting late so unfortunately we couldn't stay and listen to Pelle...

After the festival in Rakvere we drove to my friend's home town, Tartu.  I stayed there for a couple of days. I'll put the description of Tartu in a separate post. So, here are some photos from Rakvere, please leave a comment!:)

I don't know what I was expecting, but the nature in the countryside Estonia (northern parts) are very much like nature in Finland! Bus window photo:)

The castle of Rakvere.

The castle moats filling up with people.

Cool girl with the proper attire for a punk fest!  \m/ *rock*

Helga having a snack.

Lots n' lots of people! In the front of the stage Estonian choirs were providing backup for the singing audience, with the help of lead singers and conductors.

Product placement:)

Geda and Helga reading the lyrics in the punk paper.

A few Finnish songs were also sung.

Product placement, red wine bottle (not ours:)

Finnish lyrics that speak to me. Talking about leaving..
Last line: I won't believe anything until I see it with my own eyes.

People and then some more people!

The castle site at sunset, around 23.00.

Rakvere church 'round midnight.


Kuu said...

Beautiful Estonia <3 Gotta love it. And interesting to see photos from other parts of it than Tallinn.

Anonymous said...

On sulla vain ollut hienon näköisiä reissuja kesällä! Osaat vangita hetket hyvin kameralla :) Ihan kateeksi käy :D

Sandra said...

Kiitos muruset! :)