Photo /SU

Photo taken 23/10/2011 @ Helsinki motorway
"I am not your rolling wheels, I am the highway"


Day 14 (Sun): Hike on the island Nólsoy

Weather: sunny
Walked (hiking): 16 km

After the nice wedding party and "outing" at Café Natur on Saturday, Sunday the 20th June arrived SUNNY AND BEAUTIFUL. I could not believe my eyes:)

I met with three happy Norwegian girls in the harbor just after 12 o'clock and we took the ferryboat to Nólsoy. At the tourist information we asked about the hike and how long it would take, because the guide books all told a different version.. We were told that we could easily make the hike to the light house in five hours.

So, first things first: we had lovely waffels at the tourist information!:)

Waffels with ice cream in Nólsoy, delish!

Happy and excited we headed up the fjell (I wouldn't call the mountains here "mountains"..). Just above the village Nólsoy is the roughest part with a steep climb up the fjell but after that the rest of the hike was on a plain grass heath. It was pretty wet on the heath, so I was glad I had decided to wear my hiking boots. We met with an Australian old lady(!) who had hiked to the light house in 2+2 hours(!); a Tschech couple and later two Swedish men.

We saw sheep, grass, the fjell, the pretty light house, the village from above (it was an awesome view from the top!) The light house was cute and our picnic food was delicious! A great outdoorsy trip in a nice weather and good company. I would recommend this to all who have at least five-six hours of spare time in Tórshavn. But bear in mind that it's good if you're physically fit (or at least more or less in a "normal" condition) to do this hike, the first part just above the village is the roughest.

On the way up. Village Nólsoy in the background.
Soon after this picture the hard part was behind us.

Sheep and Norwegian girls :)

Light house in the other end of Nólsoy.
The picture was taken by some Swedish
men we met at the light house.

It was no surprise, that when I got home, I took a shower and was all wound up the rest of the evening. And VERY tired the following day..

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