Photo /SU

Photo taken 23/10/2011 @ Helsinki motorway
"I am not your rolling wheels, I am the highway"


Learning nerdy stuff

I don't know what I would do without Internet! I've learnt so much on my own. This proves that if you're motivated, you will search for information and try your best at applying this knowledge. Live and learn, baby!

Just recently I've learnt how to take screenshots with my MacBook Pro. I love my Mac!

Photo evidence: This is what leads people to my blog!
"Top search results" are still quite modest, but yeah. Anyways.
Why did you come here!? 


Joonas said...

I was just talking about the importance of internet the other day. It's funny how big it has become. Hey teacher, how did people learn in the past? ;)

Well, a lot of stuff here is useless of course, and that's fine by me but as you know, I'm all in love with teh internets :P

Sandra said...

They probably had sticks and then they drew letters in the sand (in Finland they had snow)? :)

Haha, beats me, but I'm glad I'm learning something! I know my "nerdy" stuff is still on a very modest level (and not so nerdy to all the geeks out there;)...