Photo /SU

Photo taken 23/10/2011 @ Helsinki motorway
"I am not your rolling wheels, I am the highway"


Day 10: T.G.I.A.F. + poet Katti Frederiksen

(Fri 29/6/2012)

That is, "Thank God it's almost Friday!"

- GRL language
- GRL history, ethnicity
- lunch
- Katti Frederiksen, GRL author and poet came to give us a talk. It was very interesting. Also interesting that she travels a lot abroad to read her poems, but the locals don't really care. Or so it seems since she has very few bookings in GRL.

I spent some time surfing to find return flights to Finland. Key words: HOPELESS. FRUSTRATING.

Later we had a so called "Finnish evening". This was our recipe: bake "pulla" (wheat buns), make "karjalan piirakka" (Karelian pirogs) and have fun! :)

Katti Fredriksen, poet.

Housing area between the Uni and Nuuk city center.


Hanna preparing Karelian pirogs.

Finnish evening at its best.

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