Photo /SU

Photo taken 23/10/2011 @ Helsinki motorway
"I am not your rolling wheels, I am the highway"


Summer adventures vol. 6: Slutwalk

A friend of mine came to visit Turku (06/08/11) and she asked me to go experience "SlutWalk" with her. I had planned to see the event because it was for a good cause and so on - and yet I might not have gone, but now that my friend was coming to town, I definitely wanted to see this cool parade with my own eyes. Here is a little bit I found on Wikipedia (read the whole article here):

"The SlutWalk protest marches began on April 3, 2011, in Toronto, Canada, and became a movement of rallies across the world. Participants protest against explaining or excusing rape by referring to any aspect of a woman's appearance. The rallies began when Constable Michael Sanguinetti, a Toronto Police officer, suggested that to remain safe, "women should avoid dressing like sluts." The protest takes the form of a march, mainly by young women, where some dress in ordinary clothing and others dress provocatively, like "sluts." There are also speaker meetings and workshops. Some objectors have remarked that this approach is an example of women defining their sexuality in male terms."

The protest march started from the market square, went over the river on Aurakatu, past the river boats, back over the Theater Bridge and via Kristiinankatu and Yliopistonkatu to Puolalanpuisto, the park behind the city Art Museum. I was really happy that I participated! They had quite a few loud women shouting in megaphones and that helped the shy Finns to start shouting!:) After the march there was a gathering in the park with speakers and music. The atmosphere was engaged and slightly aggressive (in a good way) :)

I hope these photos do not offend anyone. 
But also, I stand behind my statement and totally agree with the ideology of the SlutWalk. 

Here are a few photos! 
Flyer with cheers and slogans

"Why is rape the victim's fault?"

People getting ready to march.

Girl with a message.

Up on the hill, outside the City Art Museum.

Young girls that want to grow up without fearing violence. 

Friends enjoying the atmosphere and the last rays of sunlight.

Minna's pill box! :)

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