Photo /SU

Photo taken 23/10/2011 @ Helsinki motorway
"I am not your rolling wheels, I am the highway"


World of Tango, Tampere (17-18/9/2011)

Quite awesome to have tango dancing friends!
A car full of tango dancers (aka 4 people:) took off to Tampere for the World of Tango Festival main weekend. We had a lot of fun!

I stayed with a friend, and what a good thing that led into: Riikka talked me into going to London with her and her friends! On Saturday we ate tasty burgers at restaurant New York, on Sunday we had coffee at café Runo.

As usual, here are a few photos!

Putting on some contact lenses and tango shoes and we were good to go!

Silla & Jere, Saturday day milonga at Telakka.

Charming lamp and ceiling at Runo.
Upstairs on the balcony more seats.

Runo café.

Rikkaa having coffee, chocolate treat and fashion :)
Me at Runo.

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