Photo /SU

Photo taken 23/10/2011 @ Helsinki motorway
"I am not your rolling wheels, I am the highway"


Summer adventures vol. 7: Colourscape, Turku

This was the coolest thing this summer! Because of the Culture Capital year, we have been spoilt rotten with all of these cool events. So on the 9th of August me and two friends headed out to experience "Colourscape", the "inflatable sculptures" as they are called on Wikipedia (see the whole (but short:) article here).

There is also an article (and a few others) on Turku 2011 web pages, which you can see here.
Apparently over 15.500 people went to see these coloured bubbles, awesome!

The photos are hard to edit because the color is so rough and strong. The atmosphere was very Sci-Fi and I absolutely loved it. If they come again (or I have the chance to see this elsewhere), I will definitely take the time and visit them again.

We had a blast, hope you do too! Enjoy! :)

In the middle section there was an interactive show:
weird music and a dancer making you a part of the art.

Kids confused.

Me fooling around. I didn't notice the halo behind me!:)

Fooling around pt. II.

Fooling around pt. III.

Fooling around pt. IV.

That was our super cool visit to Colourscape.
Thank you Colourscape!

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