Photo /SU

Photo taken 23/10/2011 @ Helsinki motorway
"I am not your rolling wheels, I am the highway"


Oslo, Norway (March 2012)

Pictura vid Åbo Akademi (our photo club) did a trip to Oslo, Norway 1st-4th March. I had planned the trip and written a grant application to the Kulturfonden för Finland och Norge (aka Finnish Norwegian Foundation) and we were granted 1000 euros for the trip. Originally we meant to go to Bergen (on the west coast of Norway), but because of my hectic new job we had to postpone the trip and change our plans. So Oslo it was!

We were six and we got our tickets separately, not as a group. Three of us (Sandra "senior"(that's me:), Sandra "junior" and Fredrik) shared the same flights, from Turku via Stockholm to Oslo – naturally with Norwegian. Unfortunately Norwegian does not fly the Turku-Stockholm -route anymore!:( I would have done my part in keeping the business blooming on flights to Stockholm...

In Oslo we met with, Mikael, who had flown from Helsinki. We (carrying our luggage) took the train to the Oslo Uni district and went to Studentenes Fotoklubb’s (=Students Photo Club) jubilee party. There we found the rest of our group, Johannes and Petter. We all had a great time! Good food, good company, singing, live music and drinking;) I think it was around 3 a.m. when we finally took a taxi to our hostel.

We stayed at Hostel Haraldsheim. It’s outside of the city but definitely worth the commuting. Quiet, clean, inexpensive and serves a good breakfast. I stayed here also in 2007 (I think?) when I went there with my friend Saija.

We had a good breakfast and started early. We went to see the Akershus festning, aka the fortress Akershus. We had a very good guide who was eager to tell us all about the fascinating stories of the fortress. They had had an infamous villain, Ole Høiland, as captive and he had escaped many times.

After the sightseeing at Akershus, we had a late lunch at an italian restaurant. Apparently you have to be careful with the numbers in Norwegian: the waiter misunderstood me (and my Swedish numbers) and brought me the wrong portion... But my meal was fixed quickly and the service was very good. The food was also very tasty! (I'll add the name of the restaurant when I find it:)

After the meal we took the tram to Vigelandsparken. The weather had been lovely all day and the park had a nice warm atmosphere (despite the cold semi-spring-ish weather) with the setting sun. The Vigelandsparken is famous for Gustav Vigeland’s numerous human sculptures, according to Wikipedia, there are over 200 scupltures! They are all very interesting, they are not so traditional although they depict men, women and children.

In the warm light of the setting sun, we took the tram to the Oslo Opera. IT WAS GORGEOUS! The architecture was super brilliant, interesting and inspiring. We took many pictures there and also a group photo. The best part was, by accident, stumbling upon KAIZERS ORCHESTRA right there, on a photo shoot!!!:D :D It’s basically one of the few Norwegian bands/artists I know (others include A-Ha, Röyksopp, Alexander Rybak, Ane Brun:) After the sights we went to the heart of the city and met a friend of mine, Herman, who I met on the CISV camp last summer (2011). We had a glass of wine and thoroughly enjoyed the sitting down and chatting:)

Friday was a long day with few hours of sleep before it, so it was then time to get to bed.
Here's a video by Kaizer's Orchestra!

On Saturday we had our breakfast and took the tram/metro to the Central Station and the local train to Lillestrøm, where they had the Oslo Photo Fair. We spent around four-five hours there listening to different lecturers and looking at exhibitions. The fair was smaller than its sister, the photo fair in Stockholm.

We had dinner at Peppes Pizza in Lillestrøm since it was hard to find a place to eat, few places were open. We sat next to a childrens birthday party and it was quite noisy:) But the food was good. The train back seemed to take forever, but once in Oslo, we headed back to the Opera to take more pictures:) It was later than anticipated but still, we took some nice shots there.

Back to the hostel. I had planned to go to a tango event, while the rest were headed to a sushi restaurant. When I finally found the place (not so nice to walk in shady alleys in a big town like that, all alone..) I also found a note on the door: ”no milonga tonight”:( Luckily I found the rest of the group and even had some nice sushi with them. The fish was delicate, silky smooth and sooo goood!

We still had time on Sunday morning to do some sightseeing. We took the metro downtown and walked the empty streets of Oslo. We visited the Nobel peace center museum shop to kill the time. Our main programme point of Sunday was Stenersen’s Museum, which had a nice photo exhibition upstairs, and downstairs a pretty peculiar and daring modern art exhibition.

After the museum we had a very lovely meal at New Delhi Indian restaurant "Probably the best Indian restaurant in the country", it says on the business card, and I must agree! We were the first customers there:) Best Indian food I’ve ever had (and no, unfortunately I’ve never been to India:) With our bellies full we went to get our luggage and took the bus to the airport. End of story!

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Our group photos from Oslo can be found on Pictura's home page, click this link!

Day 1, Friday

Akershus fortress.

Experiencing Akershus fortress. It was a beautiful day!

Akershus fortress.

Fredrik taking one of his great shots

Akershus fortress.

Change of guards in Akershus.

Delicious pizza&pasta.

Vigelandsparken with the 200 sculptures.

Getting ready to take our group photo.

At the park.

View from the park. It was a long walk to the main gates and tram station.

Sandra junior and a huge pile of human flesh carved in stone...

Freaky baby sculpture! :-/

Beautiful pice outside the Opera.

The Oslo Opera. A beautiful architectural gem which you can walk on!
There was a "No Skateboarding!"-sign:) Pretty understandable,
but the idea sure was tempting even for a person that doesn't skateboard!
Sandra senior & Sandra junior.

At the Oslo opera.

Night time in Oslo.

Would not ride a bus that says "vika" (in Finnish= broken, defect)

Parliament building.


Day 2, Saturday at the photo fair

At Lillestrøm photo fair.

Lunch/dinner at Peppes Pizza.

Lillestrøm train station on our way home.

Day 3, Sunday 

This guy had an exhibition at Stenersens museum.

 Stenersens museum.

 Stenersens museum.

 Stenersens museum, exhibition downstairs (unfortunately I can't remember the artist(s)).
Interesting poses and stories with small dolls and stuff.

 Stenersens museum, exhibition downstairs. Would have needed my tripod.

Our last lunch/dinner in Oslo and it was FANTASTIC!
The food was served in practical bowls (candle underneath).

Indian refreshments.

We all enjoyed our tasty Indian food.
Dessert at Italian coffee shop (my belly was ready to burst!)

Waiting for the bus to take us to the airport.

Oslo airport. End of story!

1 comment:

Anna-Lena unterwegs said...

Yes, I do :) Once I have to visit Oslo too